Anti bribery?

To protect you and us against bribery

Anti-Bribery Policy


Umbrella Utilities/Business Energy Compare Group Ltd is committed to conducting business ethically, with integrity, and in full compliance with anti-bribery laws and regulations. This Anti-Bribery Policy outlines our stance against bribery, corruption, and improper influence, and serves as a guide for all employees and stakeholders.

Policy Statement

We prohibit all forms of bribery, including giving, receiving, or soliciting bribes, whether monetary or non-monetary, as well as any action that may lead to undue influence or compromise the integrity of our business dealings.

Compliance with Laws

We will adhere to all anti-bribery laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdictions where we operate. This includes but is not limited to the UK Bribery Act and other international anti-corruption laws.

Prohibited Activities

It is strictly prohibited for anyone acting on behalf of Umbrella Utilities/Business Energy Compare Group Ltd to:

  • Offer, promise, or provide bribes to any individual or organization, including public officials, with the intent to influence business decisions.
  • Request, accept, or receive bribes in exchange for improper advantages, contracts, or benefits.
  • Engage in any activity that could be interpreted as bribery or that compromises ethical standards.

Gifts, Hospitality, and Entertainment

Gifts, hospitality, and entertainment should be given and received only in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and should not create the appearance of impropriety or influence. Transparency and proportionality are key.

Due Diligence

We will exercise due diligence in our relationships with third parties, such as suppliers, contractors, agents, and partners, to ensure they do not engage in bribery or corrupt practices on our behalf.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

Employees are encouraged to report any suspected or actual incidents of bribery or corruption, including attempts to solicit bribes. We will protect whistleblowers' confidentiality and ensure there are no repercussions for reporting in good faith.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Violations of this Anti-Bribery Policy will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or business relationships, as well as potential legal consequences.

Training and Communication

We will provide regular anti-bribery training to employees, ensuring they understand the policy and their responsibilities. We will also communicate this policy to our stakeholders, emphasizing our commitment to ethical business practices.

Continuous Improvement

We are dedicated to preventing bribery and corruption and will regularly review and update this policy to align with changing laws, regulations, and best practices.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us on 01253834586 or via email

By adhering to this Anti-Bribery Policy, Umbrella Utilities/Business Energy Compare Group Ltd upholds its commitment to conducting business fairly, transparently, and free from corrupt practices.